Brian Stephenson Fine Art

Collection 1
Indonesian Tribal Art

Batak Stone Charm

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Ducon or Batak priest’s stone charm or medicine pounder


Item-Description:Ducon or Batak priest’s stone charm or medicine pounder
Medium:Volcanic Andesite
Origin:North Sumatra - Batak Karo
Dimensions:Height 17 cm
Age:pre 1900
Provenance:Field collected from a Batak priest, Kabanjahe, Sumatra 1978
Condition:Weathered patina
Notes: An unusual small stone pounder in human form carved in local volcanic andesitic tuff and used by a Batak Karo priest in the preparation of magic substance or pupuk.

Unusual in being from the Batak Karo tribe, rather than from the Batak Toba who have a better known tradition of stone work. Pupuk or magic substance was produced by the Batak Karo high priest (Ducon) as a curative powder or to ward away evil spirits. The Batak have a strong belief in magic which continues through to the present day.

Price: £590